Alaska Laborers Training School offers training in construction that provides nationally recognized industry certifications.
Alaska Laborers Training School offers apprenticeship program in construction that pays solid high wages in construction field career
Great health benefits offered at Alaska Laborers Training School for all member of laborers union in Alaska
Alaska Laborers Training School offers free training to all apprentices and journey workers - member of the Laborers Union in Alaska
Alaska Laborers Training School offers apprenticeship that leads graduates from this construction apprenticeship to have diverse and stable careers in construction.


WE TRAIN FUTURE journey workers, foreman, SUPERINTENDENTS, and industry LEADERS

Applications are accepted year-round. Apply now and get on our applicant list!

No matter where you live, you can apply! We have apprentices all around the state. You train at our school for about 4 weeks each year and the rest of the time you are working on jobs around the state! If you fulfill our out-of-town student criteria, we offer housing and travel assistance during training!

do you qualify?

  • 18 years of age

  • Valid Driver’s License

  • HS or Ged Diploma - if you didn’t complete HS or GED, give us a call at 907-345-3853

  • Physically able to perform all duties of a Construction Craft Laborer

  • 100% Drug Free *prescreen urine drug testing is required upon acceptance into the program

  • Have reliable transportation

  • Be able to travel throughout the state to various construction sites if needed

Laborers learning to use a drill for drilling and blasting jobs


Our apprentices live all around the state. Apprenticeship means you are mainly working on various big construction projects around the state, while learning on the job and earning income. Our program hold a high standard in training. This will ensure that you become a valuable and skilled worker and you will receive an individualized training plan each winter of at least 144 hours of training.

If you live further than 60 miles from the school, you are eligible for travel assistance for training.

Alaska Laborers Training School locations in Fairbanks and Chugiak


One of the greatest parts about being a laborer is the variety of jobs available to you. Not only is it fulfilling but it also gives you a significant advantage as a construction worker. With this knowledge you will know each job from start to finish, and become proficient in many disciplines. This will allow you an upward mobility in your construction career track.

  • Laborers drilling on a Copper Landing road project.
  • Drilling class at Alaska Laborers Training School in Chugiak
  • Forklift training for apprentices at Alaska Laborers Training School
  • Grade Checking class at Alaska Laborers Training School
  • Construction training at Alaska Laborers Training School. Apprenticeship.
  • Scaffolding training at Alaska Laborers Training School
  • Scaffolding training of laborers at Alaska Laborers Training School. Apprenticeship
  • Road job employing laborers of Alaska Laborers Training School. Apprenticeship.
  • Apprentice attending scaffolding training at Alaska Laborers Training School. Apprenticeship and Construction.
  • Pipeline Construction training for north slope pipeline maintenance at Alaska Laborers Training School in Fairbanks. Apprenticeship in construction.
  • Concrete Training at Alaska Laborers Training School in Anchorage area. Apprenticeship in construction.
  • Concrete training of laborers at Alaska Laborers Training School in Anchorage area. Apprenticeship in construction.

apprenticeship is for you if:

You are a hard worker
You like working outside
You are interested in gaining skills and knowledge
You want to make a good living
You want benefits for you and your family
You want continuous work opportunities



To complete our apprenticeship and become a journey worker, you must complete 5,100 hours on a job - this is when you’re getting paid. Journey worker is a skilled worker with education and experience in the field. As you can see on the table, you start at stage 1 and work your way up as you gain experience and hours on the job. Typically, by the end of your first busy summer season, you will be reaching your first 1,000 hours and receiving a wage increase of 10%. Note that overtime during summers is expected and paid at 150% of regular pay.

Your training requirement is 144 hours every year or at least 432 hours during the entire apprenticeship to graduate. Since training is a part of your benefits and at no cost, we will encourage you to apply for additional training. This way you will gain more skills, have more certifications and become more valuable to the contractors you will work for.

Typical length of the program is 3 years but depending on your work and training schedule, you can complete the program in less or more time.



  • Customized Annual Training Plan

  • Laborers working on a culvert on a sunny day.

    5,100 HRS on-the-job paid learning

  • volunteering and community support

Did you know that you can add your spouse and children to your health insurance at no cost?

benefits at no cost to you!

Our benefits are added to your pay which means there are no deductions for benefits on your paychecks!

Benefits information for Alaska Laborers Training School Apprentices in construction.



Nobody will tell you when to retire, but you can do so with access to your full pension benefit at the age of 57. That is the lowest retirement age within the construction industry!

successful apprentices are:

  • Pipeline Construction training in Fairbanks for laborers and apprentices from Alaska Laborers Training School.


  • Construction training in drilling and blasting for apprentices and journey workers from Laborers Union provided by Alaska Laborers Training School.


  • Alaska Laborers Training School's apprentice educating high school students about apprenticeship in construction.


How our apprenticeship

changes lives to better?

Dan is a graduated apprentice with a few years of being a journeyman under his belt. He has also become an instructor and helps train current apprentices and journey workers in grade checking. Dan earned a degree in game programming but as he said, he couldn’t find a job because all the jobs in that field required him to have years of experience. He then started substitute teaching to get by. When Dan heard about our apprenticeship program, he applied right away.

Dan says if you start this program before making a decision on college, you get training while you’re making money. You can start advancing yourself sooner in life and build up experiences toward higher positions, and since it’s a seasonal job for the most part, you can go to college in the winter and pay for it up front.

Dan says “The initial general construction training after being accepted into the program was intense and challenging but it taught me everything I needed to go out to the field. You just have to stick with it because it is so worth it in the end.” He feels as if he gets paid great wages to basically go to the gym and work out.

Dan’s chosen to be on the path of a grade checker because he likes to have a challenging career where he gets to think creatively every day. He appreciates staying physically active therefore keeping in good health. And as he says, even if something happens, he has great health care as a part of the laborer’s benefits and he doesn’t need to worry. He says the pension is another huge benefit to him because he can think ahead in life. As a laborer, Dan can retire as early as 50 years of age and he won’t have to worry about income. Dan says “This pretty much opened up the world for me, I do and get what I want.”

Graduated apprentice of Alaska Laborers Training School that train skilled workers in construction.

click the button below to APPLY!

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